WE want to see you successful!!!

Challenges are part of every business, but it should not be roadblock for success

Book Incubation / Business consultation with RBC Leadership

Dr. Roy & his highly matured team of business consultants offers tailored guidance and strategies to elevate businesses to exceptional heights. Our seasoned coaches employ proven methods to refine operations, strengthen leadership, and boost overall performance. With a keen emphasis on fostering innovation, driving growth, and realizing potential, we empower organizations to surpass their objectives and attain sustained excellence in today’s competitive market. Experience transformative coaching that unlocks untapped opportunities and nurtures a culture of excellence within your business. We Help you to keep your business swim through right lane or change lane as per business demand.

Our Clients

New Biz Startup

Starting a new business comes with its share of challenges, but with determination and strategic planning, success is within reach. Our vision is to support & create a thriving business entity that serves the needs of focused customers while contributing positively to the community.
Our objectives are to provide mentoring on building a strong brand presence, delivering high-quality products/services, and achieving sustainable growth. Through Just in Time services and adaptability, we aim to overcome business ecosystem challenges &obstacles and emerge as a leader in industry. With a customer-centric approach and a focus on excellence, we’re committed to realizing your entrepreneurial dreams and making a lasting impact.

Our focused business coaching & consultation will also help you on

  • Documentation, Template, Standards
  • Storage & Access Management
  • E-Com & Static Website Development

Operation Efficiency in startup

Operational efficiency in startups refers to the ability to optimize resources, processes, and workflows to achieve maximum output with minimal input. It involves streamlining operations, reducing waste, and increasing productivity to enhance overall performance and profitability. By focusing on operational efficiency, startups can effectively allocate resources, deliver products or services more efficiently, and maintain a competitive edge in the market.

Business Buy/ Sale

Entering into a business transaction, whether buying or selling, has always been challenging and requires careful consideration of legal, financial, and entity suitability aspects. In the planning and discovery phase, it’s essential to understand the following points to ensure a successful and financially beneficial outcome.
Below six points show it in below format and then show the explanation the way it’s written

  • Financial Health
  • Market Analysis
  • Legal Compliance
  • Operational Efficiency
  • Customer Base
  • Strategic Fit
  1. Financial Health: Assess the financial stability and performance of the business, including revenue trends, profitability, and debt obligations. These information and data help in creating optimum valuation for effectivenegotiation.
  2. Market Analysis: Evaluate the industry landscape, market trends, and competitive positioning of the business to identify growth opportunities and potential challenges.
  3. Legal Compliance: Conduct thorough due diligence to ensure the business complies with all relevant laws and regulations, including licenses, permits, contracts, and intellectual property rights.
  4. Operational Efficiency: Review the business’s operational processes, infrastructure, and technology systems to identify areas for improvement and assess scalability.
  5. Customer Base:Analyze the customer demographics, satisfaction levels, and retention rates to understand the strength of the business’s relationships and potential for future growth.
  6. Strategic Fit: Determine how the business aligns with your overall strategic objectives, values, and capabilities, ensuring compatibility with your existing operations and long-term goals.

We Help you to Identify your vision, goals, capability tailoring, includingprobable market reach or diversifying business, revenue streams. We establish a systematic process for evaluating potential acquisitions. Conduct thorough due diligence to assess financial health, market positioning, and legal compliance.

Additionally, the entire process taken through a level of confidentiality on multiple factors like top leadership access to sensitive information.  Further prioritize checks on operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and scalability.

Our expert guidance will help you to leverage industry benchmarks to ensure informed decision-making. Ultimately, the objective is to acquire a business that aligns with your strategic vision and offers opportunities for growth and sustainability.

Initial Steps (Buyer and Seller)


  1. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA): Before sharing sensitive business information, both parties should sign an NDA to protect confidentiality.
  2. Letter of Intent (LOI): This non-binding document outlines the basic terms of the agreement, like purchase price, timeline, and contingencies.

Due Diligence (Buyer):

  1. Financial Records Review: The buyer thoroughly examines the seller’s financial statements, tax returns, and other documents to assess the business’s financial health and potential liabilities.
  2. Legal Due Diligence: A lawyer reviews contracts, licenses, permits, intellectual property (IP), and other legal documents to identify any potential issues.
  3. Operational Due Diligence: This involves evaluating the business’s operations, including customer base, employee contracts, and internal processes.

Negotiation and Agreement:

  1. Term Sheet: This document details the key deal points agreed upon during negotiations, such as final purchase price, payment structure, closing date, and any post-sale restrictions.
  2. Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA): This is a legally binding contract outlining the entire transaction, including warranties, representations, indemnifications, and closing conditions.

Contract Closing and Post-Closing:

  1. Transfer of Assets and Liabilities: Depending on the business structure, ownership of assets like equipment, intellectual property, and contracts may need to be formally transferred.
  2. Liabilities Settlement: Any outstanding debts or liabilities of the business are settled as per the agreement.
  3. Regulatory Filings: Depending on the business structure and industry, notifications or approvals from relevant government agencies might be required.

Additional Considerations:

  • Employment Contracts: The SPA should address how existing employee contracts will be handled during the transition.
  • Tax Implications: Both buyer and seller should understand the tax consequences of the transaction.
  • Business Structure: The legal process might differ slightly depending on whether the business is a sole proprietorship, partnership, or a limited liability company (LLC).

Organic Partnership

During the growth phase of business, futuristic companies often seek organic partners because these relationships offer unique benefits that complement traditional business partnerships. Organic business partnerships prioritize mutual growth, trust, and shared values. Unlike normal business partnerships, which often involve formal agreements and structured frameworks of transaction and service level agreements, organic partnerships evolve naturally over time based on mutual understanding and collaboration.

The top priorities of organic partnerships include fostering innovation, leveraging each other’s strengths, and addressing common challenges together. These partnerships are characterized by flexibility, adaptability, and a collaborative spirit, allowing parties to work together seamlessly towards shared goals. They are essential for Indian businesses seeking to expand their networks, capabilities, and impact in a dynamic and competitive market landscape.

We specialize in facilitating organic partnerships by connecting businesses with our extensive ecosystem of suppliers, vendors, and service providers, totalling over 300. Through our platform, businesses can efficiently access a diverse network of trusted partners, fostering collaboration, innovation, and mutual growth. With our comprehensive support, companies can seamlessly establish and nurture organic partnerships, driving sustainable success and impactful results in today’s dynamic market landscape.

Biz Investment

The primary motive of funding in startups or participating in seed funding is to provide the necessary capital and resources to fuel growth and innovation. Investors aim to support promising startups in scaling their operations, developing new products or services, and penetrating markets effectively. By injecting funds into startups, investors seek to accelerate their growth trajectory, increase market share, and maximize returns on investment.

Optimum funding enables startups to attract top talent, invest in research and development, and build a strong brand presence, positioning them for long-term success and sustainability. Ultimately, the motive of funding in startups is to catalyse innovation,

drive economic growth, and create value for all stakeholders involved.

Our Team engages to support entrepreneurship and small to large investors, help them to find each other in out business ecosystem, networks. WE execute due diligence for either side to ensure the matchmaking is a win-win tie.

Existing Business Consulting

Existing businesses require continuous consultation for operation and management to adapt to evolving market dynamics, industry trends, and competitive landscapes. Consulting provides fresh perspectives, expertise, and insights that help businesses identify inefficiencies, streamline processes, and seize growth opportunities. Consultants offer specialized knowledge and experience in areas such as strategy development, marketing, finance, and technology, enabling businesses to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the curve. Additionally, our matured team’s ongoing consultation fosters a culture of innovation, learning, and continuous improvement within the organization, ensuring its relevance and resilience in today’s fast-paced business environment.

Our Highly mature Team will help you to be in shape and manage the execution of business.

Process of Coaching and Engagement

After signing our engagement agreement, our team will schedule step-by-step activities with yours. The high-level objective of the engagement is illustrated in the flowchart below. However, it’s understood that the work breakdown structure and delivery model will outline phase-wise expectations during the planning process.

Research & Thesis Development


The academic research process is a systematic and thorough approach followed by scholars and researchers in India to explore, analyze, and contribute new knowledge to their respective fields. It involves several distinct phases, each crucial for ensuring the quality and validity of the research findings.

  1. Identification of Research Topic: Students begin by selecting a research topic or question that is relevant, significant, and aligns with existing literature and scholarly discussions.
  2. Literature Review: Researchers conduct a comprehensive review of existing literature to understand the current state of knowledge, identify gaps, and refine the research question.
  3. Formulation of Hypotheses or Research Objectives: Based on the literature review, researchers develop hypotheses or clearly defined research objectives that guide their investigation.
  4. Research Design: Researchers determine the appropriate research design, methodology, and data collection techniques, considering factors such as the nature of the research question, available resources, and ethical considerations.
  5. Data Collection: This phase involves gathering relevant data through various methods such as surveys, experiments, observations, interviews, or secondary sources.
  6. Data Analysis: Researchers analyze the collected data using appropriate statistical or qualitative analysis techniques to test hypotheses, answer research questions, and derive meaningful insights.
  7. Interpretation of Results: Once data analysis is complete, researchers interpret the findings in the context of existing literature, theoretical frameworks, and research objectives.
  8. Discussion: Researchers discuss the implications of their findings, including theoretical contributions, practical implications, and limitations of the study.
  9. Conclusion: The research concludes with a summary of key findings, implications, and avenues for future research.
  10. Peer Review: Many academic research endeavors undergo peer review, where experts in the field evaluate the research methodology, findings, and conclusions to ensure quality and rigor.
  11. Revision and Resubmission: Based on peer review feedback, researchers may revise their work before resubmitting it for publication or dissemination.
  12. Publication or Presentation: The final step involves sharing the research findings through publication in academic journals, presentation at conferences, or other forms of dissemination, contributing to the global academic discourse.

Startup Incubation

Startup incubation is like a nurturing space where new businesses get a helping hand to grow. It’s like having a supportive community that offers resources, guidance, and connections to help startups overcome hurdles and succeed. In an incubation program, startups get access to things like office space, mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs, and opportunities to meet potential investors. These programs often focus on specific industries, so startups can get specialized help tailored to their needs. The aim of startup incubation is to create an environment where startups can flourish, refine their ideas, and build strong foundations for long-term success. It’s like giving startups a boost to turn their dreams into reality, helping them navigate the challenges of starting a business and paving the way for future growth and success.

In RBC we evaluate startup, provide mentorship towards the development of business strategy, plan, approach towards solution implementation and connecting to business ecosystem. We support Startups with office space, basic infra, digital space and create an absolute win-win relationship.

Incubation (3)

From a business perspective, startups often seek investment in key areas to fuel their growth and expansion. These areas include product development, marketing and customer acquisition, talent acquisition, infrastructure and technology, research and development, and scaling operations. Investment in product development helps startups refine their offerings, enhance features, and stay competitive in the market. Marketing and customer acquisition investments enable startups to reach and engage target audiences, driving sales and revenue growth. Talent acquisition investments are crucial for hiring skilled professionals to drive innovation, execute strategies, and scale operations effectively. Infrastructure and technology investments support the development of robust systems and platforms to support business operations and meet growing demand. Research and development investments drive innovation and product differentiation, helping startups stay ahead of market trends and customer needs. Lastly, investments in scaling operations enable startups to expand into new markets, increase production capacity, and build partnerships to drive long-term growth and success.

7 areas startup need funding

Investors in India look to invest in startups with the aim of achieving several key objectives. Firstly, they seek opportunities for financial returns, aiming to invest in startups that have the potential for high growth and profitability. Additionally, investors often look for startups with innovative ideas and disruptive technologies that have the potential to transform industries. They also consider the scalability of the startup’s business model, aiming to invest in ventures that can quickly expand their operations and capture market share. Furthermore, investors may seek strategic partnerships, looking to invest in startups that align with their own business interests or offer synergies with their existing portfolio. Overall, the objectives of investors in India revolve around identifying promising startups that can deliver strong returns while contributing to innovation and economic growth in the country

In RBC, we create a process of absolute match-making by executing end to end project evaluation and support investors to get insight of business proposition to make better decision on providing funding support. We create benchmarks for startups, business pitch, approach plan on fund generation, financial due diligence to ensure best possible visibility on facts & figures to make collective step towards investment and proceedings.  

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